Puppets Alph, Beel & Chah-Lee learn about the business of dementia from a series of online interviews by Obhi Chatterjee. Obhi started investigating what really causes dementia (and how best to treat it according to the latest research) ever since his father was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia in 2012.
The original investigative documentary You must be nuts! – The business of dementia traces his journey. [Ver la pagina http://wp.me/p4gh62-6s para leer la descripción en español de la película ¿Te has vuelto loc@? – El negocio de la demencia]
Note that the views and statements expressed in ‘You must be nuts!’, the interviews and the prequel do not necessarily reflect the views of Inner Eye Ltd or the filmmakers.
Disclaimer: The contents of this film are for information purposes only. Before changing any treatment you are following, please consult your doctor. For dietary advice, please consult an established nutritionist.
Puppets created by Enrique Nicanor
Puppets – in order of appearance
Alph: Voice – Obhi Chatterjee
Puppeteer – Enrique Nicanor
Chah-Lee: Voice – Elisabeth Christ
Puppeteers – Kaberi Chatterjee & Enrique Nicanor
Beel: Voice & puppeteer – Enrique Nicanor
Interviewees – in order of appearance
Patrick Holford
Justin Smith
Jerome Burne
Dr Stephanie Seneff
Paul Burstow MP
Film excerpts:
Fat Head by Tom Naughton (with kind permission of Tom Naughton) including interviews with Professor Eric Oliver, Michael R Eades MD, Mary Enig PhD & Mary Dan Eades MD (http://youtu.be/v8WA5wcaHp4)
Hungry for Change by James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch (with kind permission of Food Matters Films) including interviews with Dr Christiane Northrup, Dr Joseph Mercola, David Wolfe & Jon Gabriel (http://www.hungryforchange.tv/article…)
Camera Obhi Chatterjee Enrique Nicanor
Title design Kaberi Chatterjee
Screenplay, music, editing & direction Obhi Chatterjee
Associate producer Enrique Nicanor
Producers Kaberi Chatterjee Obhi Chatterjee
Additional video material:
How to brush your teeth with Captain Toothbrush – DeltaDentalofNJ on YouTube (http://youtu.be/2VaKJqz6ZUw)
Iceland geyser footage courtesy of Justin Smith Eco Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – PATIENTARHS on YouTube (http://youtu.be/fgHLCuipdeo)
Additional images:
Crete as seen from Envisat on October 21, 2011 – European Space Agency Corfu as seen from the International Space Station on April 17, 2001 – NASA Iceland as seen from MODIS on September 9, 2002 – NASA
Music from the YouTube audio library:
Morning Mood – Grieg (http://youtu.be/dqBVdz39AM4) Symphony No 5 – Beethoven (http://youtu.be/nVJHPgjLrdM)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik – Mozart (http://youtu.be/-LrlX2Ql7cg)
Dance of the sugar plum fairies – Tchaikovsky (http://youtu.be/4JwAtwq3o2g)
Moonlight sonata – Beethoven (http://youtu.be/ME_7SYQwMPo)
Habanera – Bizet (http://youtu.be/rAI4wvs-xCo)
In the hall of the Mountain King – Grieg (http://youtu.be/1dH-TFSVd50)
With special thanks to: Jayanta Chatterjee, Enrique Nicanor, Elisabeth Christ Jerome Burne, Paul Burstow MP, Patrick Holford, Dr Stephanie Seneff, Justin Smith Dr John Briffa, Dr Bruce Fife, Dr Ben Goldacre, Zoe Harcombe, Dr Brendan Hudson, Dr Malcolm Kendrick, Julia Laal, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Bish Naha, Dr Mary Newport, Professor Tim Noakes, Dr David Perlmutter, Dr Debbie Stinson, Nina Teicholz, Dr Murray Waldman, Dr Verner Wheelock, Aparna & Atul Agarwal, Charlotte Appelgren, Chhaya & Atul Biswas, Claire Blake-Bohm, Richard Campbell, Cherry Cumming, Farzeen Huq, Brenda & Richard Penfold, Lydia & Varinder Singh, Ajantha & Shiva Sundaram, Natural Health Radio and All our friends & relatives (who must think we’re nuts!)
Running time: 90 minutes